Sunday, December 18, 2011

Book Review: "Rogue Regime" by Jasper Becker, 2006.

It’s a difficult book to digest, not because of writing, since writing is superb, but because of subject matter. Most difficult part of it is when it covers the “1994 North Korean Famine”. Starving people are contrasted to luxurious living by Kim Il Sung, (North Korean Dictator 1948 – 1994) a fraud and a Stalinist puppet, and Kim Jong Il, (North Korean Dictator 1994 – current) a raging egomaniac. 
Read the story of the truly richest men in the world. Whereas kings are tought to be representatives of god, in North Korea the Kims became gods themselves. Whereas kings are tasked with looking after the people, in North Korea people are tasked in looking after the Kims.
After this book, read “1984” by George Orwell and marvel at how Orwell managed to get so close to predicting natural evolution of communist political correctness and single minded thinking into something that can only be described as utter nightmare. Wander at how close that prediction is in North Korea.
Where people live completely unaware of the outside world, thinking they reside in paradise on Earth, while that is only true for the “Great” and “Dear Leader” themselves. Two gangsters who sacrificed millions of people to maintain the regime based on a bankrupt idea that ended up on a trash heap of history long time ago.
Two men epitomizing evil in human form, who send their children to be educated in private Swiss schools while they rail against the Western style democracies. Two men who maintain a Joy Brigade of 2,000 beautiful women to fulfill their every sexual desire, who import foreign prostitutes and BMWs while people are starving in the streets…
If you are a bright and upbeat intellectual with faith in humanity, who is interested in world’s affairs, don’t read this book. You won’t be able to handle the truth. Because in this case, the truth is ugly.
For all the rest, dive in to the deepest and darkest depths of human nature.

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